My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Many moons ago, I used to have The Curse. It was, in every sense of the word, a bloody curse.............and yes, there is a pun intended there.

I started The Curse at a very young age - a mere 9yrs young & from the very first monthly visit until the very last, it was incredibly painful. It became a dread............my 'once a month' dread.

In my early 20's, my doctor at the time, prescribed Syndol tablets for the extremely strong cramps I used to have. In those days, it was a prescription drug & not something you could just buy over the counter. Also, in 'those days' Hubs & myself were trying to hatch a sprog. I'd had plenty of problems with the 'points & plugs' in my reproductive engine, but in order to make sure the other part of the equasion was firing on all cylinders, Hubs had to have a sperm test. Whilst at the docs, I was given a prescription for Syndol & a letter of request for a sperm count for Hubs.

A couple of weeks passed & Curse Day arrived. I was working at the time, but made a duck during a quiet spell & whizzed down to my local chemist. Stuart, the pharmacist, was a smashing chap. He was one of the 'old school' type of businessmen - he knew family members by their first names & always made a point to ask how every one was & what was the latest news etc. If he didn't have a particular drug in stock, he would get it from another pharmacy & then deliver it, a service that many working families appreciated. Anyway, I rushed down to Stuart the Chemist, went up to the counter, all hot & flustered & was greeted by a total stranger behind the dispensing counter! Stuart was on leave. Oh well, no worries I thought & promptly rummaged in my handbag for my prescription. I saw the Doctors names on a bit of paper & handed it to the locum pharmacist.

"Umm, I'm in a hurry 'cos I've ducked out of work, so could I have this now please?" I asked.

The locum looked at the prescription & then looked at me.

He gave me a really strange look.

It was the kind of look that says "Are you mad/for real/high on something?"

I was really worried! The seconds were ticking by & I really had to get back to work!

"Er, Mrs Winstanley, I'm terribly sorry, but I can't do this for you." says the locum.

"But why not?" I whined.

"Because Mrs Winstanley, I'm afraid this is a request for a sperm count & I'm very sorry, but I can't supply you with that!"

This happened more than 22yrs ago & I can still remember the absolute clarity of wanting the ground to open & just swallow me whole. I snatched the offending bit of paper & left the chemist in such a hurry that I forgot all about my prescription!

I went to another chemist during my lunch hour.

Posted by Jayne :: 07:46 :: 15 Had Somminc To Say

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