My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I finally managed to grab a couple of hours with good friend kaya yesterday. I just feel kinda drained with all that's been going on with Grandma, so it was good to get out of the apartment for a coupla hours (and not have to go to the hospital!) just to sit & have a good whinge & drink a few capuccino's.

Since meeting kaya last year, I have learned so much - about Muslims, about all the differences between our countries & cultures. One day, I hope she'll get to Souf Efrika, same as I hope to get to Pakistan.
We have laughed together & there have been the odd occasions when we have cried together. We accept each other for who we are. We only live four blocks apart & phone or SMS each other daily, but due to family constraints, we don't get out together too often. Somehow though, there's very little that remains unspoken between us - we have no barriers.

So, my friend, I just want to say thanks. Thanks for helping me maintain my insanity, for listening to me unload, for driving me about when I didn't have the confidence to drive myself, for trusting me, for making the best hot & sour soup in Abu Dhabi(!) & for just taking time out for me, when I know you've got heaps of things to do. You are a STAR & I just want to say I appreciate our friendship so very much.

Sorry I had to blur your face hon, but one can never gauge the reaction of your (many) Blog fans. Who knows, I might have to call the police...................ahem........coff coff.......to fight the fans off that is!

Posted by Jayne :: 05:15 :: 10 Had Somminc To Say

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