My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


This is PP. He's the Number One Chillen.
He's been all over the world with us,
and the Other Chillen look up to him.

This is Babe - The Pig. She is ranked as
the Number Two Chillen, because she
was 2nd in the 'family'.
She has Attitude.
She gets dirty whenever she can.
She sulks if she has to
travel anything less than Business Class.
Other Chillen behave around her - they have
no choice.

These are The Kwatics :
Snowy & Killa
They like the seaside, swimming
pools and basically any place
that's got water.

This is Spike.
He's normally very quiet and we think he
hibernates at least three weeks a month.
He's very well behaved.

This is Miss Molly.
She thinks she's much prettier than The Pig.
She likes to chill out by simply
flopping.................anywhere & everywhere.

This is Greggy.
He admits he's 'funny looking' but he
doesn't care. He and Spadge's Dawg
are very good friends.
He doesn't know where he is
in the Chillen Pecking Order.

This is Spadge's Dawg.
He's an Adopted Chillen cos he didn't
want to be left in a box in South Africa.
He's so happy to be with the Other
Chillen that he adopted his own little
friend - Kiwi. They go everywhere together.

We don't know if he's a He or if she's a She Chillen.
He/She wears a bobble hat & scarf ALL the time!
Bobble likes cold weather
talks in a funny voice, often ending in "?"

This is Mewel.
She sleeps. Alot.
She likes to stick to metal things
cos she's got magnets in her hands and feets.
Airport security personnel always touch her.
She tries to sleep through all the

And finally, we have a New Chillen On The Block. He arrived today, in a packet, all the way from South Africa - gosh! (We know he's a 'he' cos he's clutching a rugby ball) The only problem is, he doesn't have a name, poor little chap! So, the Other Chillen had a conference (when Mewel was awake) and asked me to "do a fing on yor Blog Mum an arsk all them Bloggin Peeps to find a name for The New Chillen!"

There you have it! This little chap needs a name, in order to become a full member of The Chillen Family. They're not fussy & we're not fussy, but something that's possibly rugby related might get preferential nods of mass approval!

The rest is up to YOU!

Posted by Jayne :: 06:54 :: 14 Had Somminc To Say

Got Somminc To Say?
