My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Every now & again, I come across an African based work of fiction that isn't a) politically motivated & b) a sob story. I like reading 'tales' from home, as I'm sure other expats do, of their respective countries - but 'light-hearted' tales & not those weighed down with accusations or political intolerance. So, if any of my readers check out the sidebars to my blog, they'll see there's a little black block that says: On My Perch At Night I'm Reading.

I enjoy reading on my perch, as does Hubs. It tends to relax the grey matter before sinking into the Land of Nod. I can fall asleep easily (most nights) but will normally read until my eyes are heavy & I get to the stage where I HAVE to put the book down. Just recently, I stumbled across this book - Last Orders At Harrods - by an author called Michael Holman. The book grabbed my attention, due to two things:

It was described as 'Delightful, entertaining, profound' by Alexander McCall Smith


The cover illustration, which depicts 'Harrods International Bar (and Nitespot).

When I saw Alexander McCall Smith ranked the book, I thought 'this has got to be a winner'. Then when I saw the 'International Bar (and Nitespot)' I just knew it would be a good read. For anyone who has travelled through or lived in a variety of African countries, they'll understand how a 'nitespot' is so worthy of a story! So, I bought the book, posted it up in the On My Perch At Night little black box & proceeded to thoroughly enjoy the story.
Michael Holman has written this book in such a way that I pictured 'Harrods' in my mind, as a place I knew of in Ghana - one 'Monica's Spot'*. I easily put faces to the characters - from the owner of Harrods - Charity Mupanga - to Ntoto & Rutere (street boys) & Edward Furniver, a terribly 'proper' Englishman. I'm not giving any of the storylines away - read the book for yourself!

I'd just managed to finish reading 'Harrods' before I left for Dublin & Spain. When I returned home to Abu Dhabi, I started sifting through almost 140 e-mails - of which 130 at least were destined for the junk folder. There was one however, which caught my attention. The subject line read 'Last Orders At Harrods' & the e-mail was a simple 3 liner, which read:

Did you enjoy it?
Best wishes
Michael Holman

I was stunned!! Here's the author of an internationally published (bloody good) book, asking li'l old me if I enjoyed his book? WOW! I puffed out my rather ample chest in pride I can tell you! I'm still a bit stunned & certainly surprised that such a person would take the time to ask my opinion.
Over the course of the next day, I wrote to Michael (I took the liberty of calling him by his first name!) a couple of times. He informed me that a follow-up to 'Harrods' was published in June & offered to send me a copy. He also told me that he really enjoyed my Blog (she says, coyly). I thanked him very much (gush, gush) but also suggested that if he'd like to keep his kneecaps, then he'd better sign sed book! (I'm too bloody cheeky for my own good sometimes!)

About a week later, Hubs brought home a package for me. I carefully unwrapped it & was absolutely delighted to find this....................................

..........................the follow-up book to 'Harrods' - Fatboy and the Dancing Ladies (!) .................and inside....................this:

'To Jayne, My favourite blogger! With best wishes, Michael' - Plus he signed it in full.

So yet another WOW! and additional puffing out of my ample chest! Aren't I just the lucky one (smirk, smirk!)

Needless to say, I have read 'Fatboy' already & it's brilliant! It's a great follow-up to 'Harrods' & within the first few pages, I found myself literally settling into the story - similar to how you kinda get comfy in a favourite armchair.

I now eagerly await the next book in the series, which Michael informs me, he hopes to have complete by March next year.

So to all fellow Bloggers who enjoy a good read - treat yourselves to 'Last Orders At Harrods' & 'Fatboy & the Dancing Ladies'. I'm sure you won't be disappointed!

Finally, to Michael Holman, I thank you kind sir for taking the time to read through some of my drivel. You've made me a very happy Fair** Fat*** & Fortysomething**** fan of yours!

* Monica's Spot is on the Main road that runs through Tarkwa, Ghana. Her original 'spot' was the first one you hit leaving or entering Tarkwa (depending on which way you were travelling). Monica ran the bar & nitespot herself & knew each customer by name. She often used to put a sign outside, on the dirt verge, which stated Fresh Girls Daily! The beer was always cold, the music never too loud & the food guaranteed to induce a good dose of the squirts within a few hours. Added bonuses were she had the electronic mosquito repellent lamps & her 'ladies' (read : whores) would never pester or ask a patron twice if he said "No thanks". Sadly, during my last stint in Ghana, just over 2yrs ago, I saw that 'Monica's Spot' has now moved to more modern premises, closer to town & now has the reputation of 'a bit of a rough spot'. It was only frequented by the most desparate of expats. Very sad.

** I'm no longer 'fair'.

*** I am still fat, but not quite as fat as I was when starting the blog :-)

**** I'll only be Fortysomething for another few months. I'm still hanging in there though!

Posted by Jayne :: 09:45 :: 8 Had Somminc To Say

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