My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Friday, October 26, 2007


This is a conversation that took place earlier this evening, between myself & an imbicle employed to answer the phone for (and at) L******e Hospital, Abu Dhabi.

"Hello L******e Hospital, how may I help you?"

"Good evening. Arrangements have been made to collect a patient, from our apartment, with a wheelchair. I am still waiting for the wheelchair."

"You want breast mammogram yes?"

There is no possible form of connotation between the words WHEELCHAIR & MAMMOGRAM. Some 4hrs after this conversation, I'm still stunned that the village idiot who is entrusted to answer a potentially life & death service, could possible think I asked for a mammogram, when I CLEARLY requested the wheelchair.
I have shed tears tonight, out of pure & utter frustration. They are no doubt, just the beginning of many more tears to come. I don't know how long it will take for one of two things to happen:
I will either get my request for a wheelchair (for grandma) implemented from the highest authority at L******e Hospital (as I will be complaining in the most vigourous manner tomorrow)
I will just get violent.
Every day this week, I have been promised a wheelchair, to collect grandma from the apartment & then deliver/wheel her across the junction of Electra & 4th Streets to the hospital. Every day, I have had to telephone & ask where it is. The cut across grandma's abdomen has opened & there is a considerable amount of fluid draining from it, which has to be cleaned & re-dressed in a sterile enviroment on a daily basis. It is extremely painful for her to climb up into our car, as it's a 4x4 - hence the arrangement with the wheelchair was made. Personally, I feel the wound will remain open for at least another week. If this is the case, there is no way I am going to 'remind' personnel at the hospital that I need the wheelchair EVERY day. Someone will have my boot mark on his arse. It should be a big enough reminder.

Posted by Jayne :: 07:58 :: 3 Had Somminc To Say

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