My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


This is PP.
He is Number One in our 'family' of Kids, of the stuffed toy variety. We've got a dozen Kids now. Some, like PP were bought for a partcular reason. One has been adopted, another was a gift & a few were taken in because of the pitiful look in their eyes. We really have to stop collecting them, otherwise people are going to think we've got a few loose screws......not that many don't think that anyway, but that's a whole different story..................
PP is very special in so many ways. He likes watching movies & insists on travelling in our hand luggage when we travel. This is due to the fact that he was packed in cargo luggage & ended up in the Comores one time, when he should've been in Joburg. For 2 days he was MIA & it was a stressful time for us I can tell you! So since his Comores detour, PP has sometimes had to be squashed into a carry on bag, but he never complains - in fact he's always the first in.
He's a little old man now y'know. His fur is a tad worn & his nose has lost it's shine. He does look a bit weary sometimes, but it's kinda understandable, considering the countries he's either lived in or visited. In dog years, he is quite old, but to us, he remains the eternal puppy.
Some years back, Hubs became unemployed. There was a slump in the construction industry in South Africa & it's surrounding countries. He couldn't get work for love nor money. It was a soul destroying time, especially for him. There is no 'dole' system in SA & if you don't work, then you have no one to fall back on except yourself. I was lucky enough to be working at that time, but my salary was nowhere's near enough to keep the family going. Grandma fed us with her pension money. Good friends helped us when & wherever possible. We reached the stage where the house was going to be repossesed............that was shortly before we gave the car back to the bank. We sold furniture & personal possessions in order to survive. With the aid of some good advertising by an estate agent acquaintance, we managed to sell the house & clear enough money to live in what will forever haunt me as The Hovel. It was a run down house in the worst area of town. The paint scheme alternated between Barbie pink gloss paint, to bile green & mud brown. Window frames were hanging off, there was no kitchen & the bathroom was a disaster.
For 51 weeks of the year, Hubs remained unemployed. Our first Christmas in The Hovel was incredibly depressing, but the main thing was we were together as a family. Money was really tight, so whatever gifts we got were minimal. And that's where PP came in. He was my gift to Hubs that Crimble.............just a little stuffed toy, with bright eyes & a silly toothless grin on his face.
The rest, as they say, is history. There's never a day goes by when I don't either look at or talk to PP. I'm not mad (although that's highly debatable!) but I'm not scared to admit there are somethings in life I simply choose not to forget. PP is a reminder of some very tough times, but he's also a reminder for over-coming those times & never taking life for granted.

Posted by Jayne :: 22:27 :: 3 Had Somminc To Say

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