My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

!!!!!!!!!!!! WANTED IN ABU DHABI !!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't want much in life, really (whine) I don't. BUT, I do want to get another breadmaker. I bought one when I went to Malawi & we had freshly baked bread whenever the fancy took us, providing there was power that day of course. I took my breadmaker home to Souf Efrika when I left Malawi, but didn't take it to Ghana, as I was told I would be able to buy fresh bread daily. Nuff sed, no worries.

Surely methinks - upon my impending arrival in Abu Dhabi - there won't be any need for my breadmaker............nah..........don't be daft I tell myself. There are heaps of bakeries & supermarkets & fresh bread in abundance. True, very true.


The majority of bread here is sweet - ewwww. It ranges from being just a tad sweet, to like full on 3 sugars in your coffee sweet & Hubs & Grandma are taking strain - Hubs particularly as he's keeping the manufacturer of Rennies in business. I prefer brown bread, but sometimes even that's a bit sweet.

So, I had a brainwave........(they don't happen too often)......& suggested I buy a breadmaker again & make our own bread, like I did when we were Bush Happy. Good idea chirps Hubs & Grandma!

Looks so appealing hey? Ooohhhhhh.....yummy, the smell of freshly baked bread!

Well, I've been to just about every sodding major electrical/appliance outlet in Abu Dhabi, trying to track a bloody bread maker down & to date, I've had no luck - nada - feck all. Good mate Kaya said she'd seen one at the Co-Op in Abu Dhabi Mall, so I nutted over there this afternoon & whoop-de-do there's a Kenwood Breadmaker on the shelf! I asked an assistant if I may please have one . It was Dhs329 - not a bad price.

"Sorry madam, that item is no longer in stock." says the nice little assistant, followed by "This model is being taken off the market & we're waiting for Kenwood to bring out the new model."

I asked if I could have the one from the shelf & he told me it "wasn't functioning". At that point in time I was tempted to break his little legs, as nice as he was.

I came home feeling incredibly dejected. I just want a breadmaker dammit - not a Rolls Royce in metallic midnight blue with twinkling stars on it!

If anyone in the Abu Dhabi area knows where I can get one, just one little simplistic breadmaker, please drop me a line. Failing that, maybe I'll have to go through to that nasty city called DuBuy, which I really don't want to do!


Update: Bought one from an home appliance shop about 500m from our apartment - Sod's Law innit!! I'm not happy with the 2 attempts I've had so far, but will keep at it until I get it right!

Posted by Jayne :: 03:56 :: 6 Had Somminc To Say

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