My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


The South African government has had another sludgewave (as opposed to brainwave) with regard to smoking, and will attempt to push through even more anti-smoking laws. Two of these caught my attention:

Smokers will not be able to light up (i.e. smoking will be against the law) within 5m of an entrance to a shopping mall, and

Smokers will not be allowed to smoke in their own homes if they employ a maid/domestic worker who does not smoke.

On the first point......er.....well.........smoking has been outlawed in shopping malls & public places etc. for a few years now. Restaurants are staunchly segregated into non-smoking & smoking areas. Whenever a smoker like me has been shopping, the first thing I do upon exiting sed mall, is light up a fag. Now it seems, I'll have to walk a bit further away from a mall entrance/exit. Oh well, no sweat - I don't mind doing that.

On the second point, I do have a major problem. If it is MY property, I am entitled to smoke. If the property is rented & there is a clause stating the house is to be rented to non-smokers, then by all means I would respect that. BUT, as I've said, if the property is MY own, then I'm entitled to do as I wish. If I employ a maid/domestic worker, I will have to discriminate (don'tcha just love that word?) against a perfectly capable non-smoking person, who may (or may not) be desperately seeking employment. I wonder how many currently employed maids will find themselves unemployed should the government bulldoze this law through parliament?

The Minister of health - Dokotela Manto Tshabalala-Msimang is the laughing stock of the civilised medical world, as she proclaims that HIV/AIDS can be cured by eating beetroot, garlic & potatoes. South Africa currently has the scary statistic of 11% of the population as being infected with HIV. It's OK to sodomise a 3wk old baby boy, rape anything that doesn't slither & chop up various family members because local sangomas inform the masses that it will appease the spirits & get rid of the nasty disease called AIDS, but God forbid you should light up a cigarette on your home turf.

Dokotela Manto Tshabalala-Msimang needs to EDUCATE the people of SA.

Educate people about HIV & AIDS.

Educate people about DRUG abuse.

Educate people about ALCOHOL abuse.

Educate people about SEXUAL abuse.

When you've done that you stupid woman, maybe, just maybe I'll pay a nanosecond of attention to your pathetic bloody anti-smoking laws.

And on that note, I shall light up my Nth Gauloises Blonde of the day & I shall bloody well enjoy it!

Posted by Jayne :: 04:32 :: 7 Had Somminc To Say

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