My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


For Crimble, Spadge & Shanna gave Hubs & myself this beautiful oil painting...........it's significance being Chikkin - a.k.a. Lilly, our granddaughter.

I have a 'thing' about the arum lily. It's a psychological hang-up that's been with me for some 32yrs now & I'm seriously wondering if I'm tempting The Gods by being brazen in my attempt to face my 'thing'?

Many moons ago & in another world, I enrolled at a small one-horse-town hospital, as a trainee nurse. (There were still hitching posts outside the two hotels, but I never saw any horses tethered there.)
I really enjoyed my job. I have wonderful memories of the place, as well as scary memories, really funny memories & downright painful memories. Getting slapped across the tits by a schoolboy who'd OD'd on dagga* still causes me to flinch when I think about it.
There were some rather interesting characters amongst the nursing staff. The Matron was as much use as a handbrake on a canoe & senior ward Sisters thought they were the bees knees. One Sister van Osch springs to mind. Whenever there was a full moon & I happened to be on nightshift, it was guaranteed she'd be in a vile mood. I came to dread full moons.

I'm really not sure how the 'myth' came about, but I was told by a particular nurse, that whenever a visitor brought arum lillies to a patient, there would be a death on the ward within 24hrs.

Sod me if she wasn't right.

It happened.

More than once I might add.

As a result of this, I came to fear this particular bloom. For the past 32yrs, I have never had an arum lily growing in my garden, have never been sent one in a bouquet, have never had one in my house & have forbidden Grandma to bring any into the house/plant any for fear of someone dropping dead.

One oil painting has changed all that!

So now, I find myself really 'pushing the boat out' as it were. Yesterday, Grandma persuaded me to buy some artificial arum lillies, which are now plonked in a nice glass vase & perched on the dining room table.

I did this - gave in to a Little Grey Haired Old Lady's wish - on the agreement that if she goes ahead & dies, I'll bloody kill her!

Posted by Jayne :: 00:08 :: 4 Had Somminc To Say

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