My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I thought I'd give readers a little bit of a glimpse into my life with Grandma. (She's the little grey haired old lady on the left, just in case you were wondering)
I've read the papers online, checked mail etc & nut off for a shower.
Soak dentures.
Make the bed.
Come out of the bedroom, stick my head in grandmas room & say "Dya wanna cuppa Flowerpot?" Without my dentures, this sounds like a rottweiler with a hare-lip, but I know grandma understands me.
She emerges from the depths of her perch, sticks a bleary eyed & rumpled head out from under the duvet & says "No thanks.......I think I'll go back to sleep."
Make myself a cuppa, head into the 'laundry room', fill iron with water & switch it on. A pile of ironing awaits me - I can't put it off any longer.
Come to computer, crank up Realplayer & open 3 albums worth of tracks by Il Divo - my favourite music to iron to. (I know I'm strange) Turn volume up (screw the neighbours - their brats make a much worse racket) & proceed to laundry room.
I warble along to Il Divo. Even I admit it sounds bloody awful, so I try to whistle. Er.....it's a bit difficult with no teeth in - bugger. OK, I hum along to classic tracks like Uno Noche, Nella Fantasia & Nights in White Satin. I hum quietly, but raise my eyebrows alot......it's the passion in the music - duh!
Grandma emerges from her pit & comes to find me.
"What day is it today?" she says
"It's Sunday Flowerpot.......what day did you think it was?" I answer.
"Monday" she say accusingly.
"If it was Monday I wouldn't be here would I? I'd be at the veggies." I say.
"Well why didn't you tell me it was Sunday? I've been waiting for Double Jeopardy & Spin The Wheel to come on TV & that comes on on a Monday!"
"So it's my fault it's only Sunday then?"
"Oh shurrup, dya want a coffee?"
Our LGOL* skulks off to the kitchen & I continue with the ironing. I hear the theme tune to the X-Files on grandmas TV, competing in decibel output with Il Divo. If I had my teeth in, they would be grinding in accustic agony right now.............................
*LGOL = Little Grey-haired Old Lady

Posted by Jayne :: 22:24 :: 9 Had Somminc To Say

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