My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Date: Friday

Place: Electra Street, Abu Dhabi

Setting: Our friendly neighbourhood ex-pat sits in his car, having pulled over to answer a phone call (good man!). After finishing his call, he checks his mirrors, confirms there are no approaching cars from the rear & then makes his exit back into the road.


Some seconds later, a vehicle pulled alongside our friendly neighbourhood ex-pat. The driver of the other vehicle gesticulated in a frantic manner that OFNE (I can't be arsed to keep typing 'our friendly neighbourhood expat) should pull over. Knowing full well that he had A) done absolutely nothing & B) knew there was nothing wrong with his car, he continued on his journey. This angered the other driver, who continued to pursue him in a very aggressive manner.

Tired of the continual harassment, OFNE pulled over to a parking space. The 'aggressor' pulled in behind him, exited his car & proceeded to start shouting & swearing. OFNE got out of his car & asked:

"What EXACTLY is your problem? You were far from me when I joined the traffic in the road - I did nothing wrong, so I don't understand what your problem is!"

The agressive driver then raised his hands in horror & shrieked:

"You are wearing shorts! This is haram! It is forbidden! My wife could see your legs!"

To which OFNE replied:

"Wearing shorts is not forbidden & how can your wife see my legs if I'm sitting in my car?"
(At this point, OFNE was also wondering why the other driver hadn't answered his initial question regarding what he'd supposedly done wrong.)

"You.............you expats! You expats should f*ck off! We don't want you here! All you do is steal our jobs!"

The aggressor has identified himself as an Emirati.

OFNE answers:

"If it wasn't for us expats, you would still be living in a f*cking tent!"

Not another word was exchanged and the not-so-nice local person got back into his car & took off with a screeching of tyres.

Any guesses as to what nationality the expat is?

Posted by Jayne :: 23:05 :: 19 Had Somminc To Say

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