My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Once upon a time, in the land of those claiming to be historically disadvantaged, there was a Little Grey Haired Old Lady. She'd led a quiet life since being forced to retire, thanks to a mongrel stabbing her in the hand whilst trying to snatch her handbag.* Her husband had recently died & so it came to be that she moved into a large rambling house, with her son & his wife.
Her days were spent gardening & she taught her daughterbylaw all the things that her late husband had indeed taught her. She would potter about, splitting bulbs, planting, weeding & the like. On walks around the neighbourhood, she would spot particular plants & discreetly (or sometimes blatantly) steal a cutting. If she went walkabout with her secateurs, one knew she meant business.
Being an important part of The Family, this LGHOL became well known to her son & daughterbylaw's circle of friends. Over the years, she became like a national treasure. She would share a dop**, listen in on the skinner***, give advice or words of wisdom & always make herself availble for whatever was asked. She rarely interfered, but wasn't shy on telling her daughterbylaw that she had a 'feeling' about a particular person as being 'suspect'.
"There's summat about that bugger I don't like" she'd say & funnily enough, she was always right.
A supposed friend of the family became embroiled in a bitter marital break up. It was not a nice situation, as The Family were friends with both the husband & wife. What made it even more unpleasant was the couple had recently adopted a little boy from a local orphanage. The child went from an orphange, to a stable home, to a divided & bitter set of new parents. Both his new parents loved him, there was no doubt about it, but both took to using him as a pawn in a tug-of-love/war game. A place of refuge - in the form of a granny flat on the same grounds as The Family - was offered to the wife & child, after accusations of assault were made.
A few months passed & the marriage between the fighting parents became even more bitter & twisted. Social Services were called in after accusations of neglect were placed & even an attempt to have the adoption 'annulled' was instigated by the husband. After investigating, the wife was declared to be a fit mother. The husband was not impressed. The wife was under constant emotional strain & it was difficult to maintain a happy front for the little boy. After discussing all of her options, the wife made a decision; she would take the child to the country she called home, the country of her birth. She had a large family of siblings, who had all offered her support in any way they could. Being a somewhat impetuous woman (as folk were to find out later) the wife went about making arrangements to leave the country. She wanted to run away from the mess, with her little boy.
An emergency passport for the little boy was obtained. There were suspicions that this was done by fraudulent means, as the father never signed any passport application forms.
The passport was issued.
Within hours, flights to leave the country had been arranged.
Somehow, the husband caught whiff of her plan.
The wife became slightly hysterical & was aware that if she attempted to take the little boy out of the country, the husband would try & stop her. She asked the LGHOL's daughterbylaw if she would help - could she take the child to the airport & accompany him on the plane to his new destination? Unfortunately, at that particular time, the daughterbylaw was wheelchair bound, which made it practically impossible.
Plan B was then put forward.
A few hours later, one little boy & his 'grandma' were on their way. The little boy was as good as gold on the plane. Shortly after taking off, the husband arrived at the airport, accompanied by the police, in order to prevent the little boy from leaving the country.
Upon arrival at their destination, the immigration officer asked a kindly looking Little Grey Haired Old Lady how come the little boy had a different surname to her?
"He's my grandson" she (rep)lied.
"Are we nearly there yet grandma?" chirped the little boy by her side.
The immigration officer stamped the passports of the little boy & his 'grandma' & waved them through.
The wife/mother of the little boy arrived less than 24hrs later.
The little boy is now well into his teens.
The less said about his mother, the better.
Both parents divorced.
The LGHOL put it all down to experience, but never spoke to the mother again. It was pointed out to her & the others who were involved at the time, that should the father of the child ever be made aware of who removed the little boy from the country, charges of kidnapping would be laid. To this day, the father does not know who the 'prime suspect' was.
This is a true story.
* Despite being stabbed in the hand, she refused to give up her handbag. It happened in broad daylight & not one person went to assist her.
** Dop = drink - normally in the case of the LGHOL a brandy or white wine
*** Skinner - gossip.

Posted by Jayne :: 15:25 :: 9 Had Somminc To Say

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