My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


In April last year, Hubs finally brought Eish! home. She'd been sitting in the Harley shop for weeks, with a sign saying 'Sorry I'm Sold!' on her. Despite having the money to pay for her, she could not come home, because one very obstinate 'I'm here to make your life a misery' licensing officer in Dubai, refused to issue an Emirates bike licence, against Hubs S'african licence. He'd already issued a driving licence for the car, but no, having done that, he switched to FYM* & refused the bike licence. To cut a long story short, Hubs got his licence - fully legit & legal - but it took 3 very long months.

So he brought Eish! home. Awwwwwwwww.

He was so happy with her. She was his dream come true. But.......he wanted to 'tweak' her a bit & customise her to his taste.

He changed her handlebars, the hand controls & grips, the cables, the front wheel, the footpegs, the oil filter cover, the air-cleaner cover, he put new bitchy exhausts on her, every visible nut & bolt was replaced for the chromed equivalent. I can't remember everything, but I know the list went on & on!

She took on a new, bright & shiny personality. We travelled all the way to Muscat on her late last year. My arse took about 2 months to recover, but Eish! performed beautifully.

So then, one day, Hubs was checking a few websites out & came across Christine LePera . He fell in love.................not with her, but the product she makes & sells. After many, many hours of choosing between one design & another, Hubs finally made a decision & placed his order.

He tracked his order, all the way from the States - every step of the way. It arrived in Dubai on Thursday morning. By 4pm the same day, it was in Abu Dhabi. He was so excited! By midnight, he was informed that UPS had attempted to deliver the order, but there was no one to either accept it or pay the Dh257.00 Duty. THEY FUCKING LIED & that's putting it mildly! It was late on a Thursday afternoon & some little fucker at the UPS dispatch office obviously thought he would nut off for an early weekend. Which he did.

Bright & early this morning, UPS finally delivered Hubs' order from Ms LePera & it looks like this:

It's a hand made seat in grey leather, with an alligator skin inset. It's unique, as is every single seat Ms LePera makes. It looks absolutely stunning, even if I say so myself!

So Eish! has taken on a more customised & individual look. She's one of a kind.

Next up is the lowering of the rear suspension. Hubs got a quote from Nubs for a 'gator design paint job, which caused me to have a slight heart attack. He said something to the effect of "fthsnd" very quickly & very quietly. I asked him to repeat it, slowly & a bit louder. He said "sit down & tell me you love me, before I tell you".

I did as requested.

He told me how much the quote was.

His bruises will heal in time.

Eish! looks blinding as she is though. She's now a single seater, which is fine, cos I've got Tallulah (the 'Glide) for the 'together' rides.

So wotcha reckon to her hey?

*FYM = Fuck You Mode

Posted by Jayne :: 14:14 :: 12 Had Somminc To Say

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