My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Antipodean Blogger Ribbed For Your Pleasure(<-- really good stuff, plug plug) tagged me with an A - Z thingy, so here goes.............

A - Available or Single
I could possibly become available, for the right price naturally, but Grandma would probably beat me to it...........so that makes me 'neither'. Am quite happily living my journey through life, with Bob as my driver.

B - Best Friend
In a physical/spiritual sense, it has to be Bob, closely followed by The Other Lady & The Paki With Attitude (they know who they are). Losing myself in music is a great form of friendship, as there are no worries or restrictions to contend with, although the neighbours might disagree with that when they hear me warbling like a tone deaf elephant in extreme distress........

C - Cake or Pie
Savoury pies but I'll never say no to a bit of choblit cake - the stodgier the better!

D - Drink of Choice
Tea, from the Nandi estates in Kenya, plus decent freshly made coffee. Mango juice in the morning, as it's great for taking the fur off your tonsils.

E - Essential Item
The Platinum card dahhhling, followed by some form of ID, as the world is becoming awfully complicated & paranoid - or is that just me? Any human form of bureaucrat simply won't believe who you are unless you offer some form of ID. A handy packet of fags & lighter is also essential in my handbag.

F - Favourite Colour
Not fussed really, although I like the fall shades of browns & oranges. For the car, it's a sharkish grey colour. For my food, as long as it's dead I'm fine with its colour.

G - Gummi Bears or Worms
Gotta be worms! As the childhood ditty goes:
Nobody loves me
Everybody hates me
Fink I'm gonna eat worms......
Long ones, short ones,
fat ones, skinny ones,
see how the little ones squirm.
Chop their 'eads off,
suck their brains out
'fro their skins away
Nobody knows how much I thrive
on worms three times a day!

H - Hometown
Gonubie, Eastern Cape, Souf Efrika

I - Indulgance
Good perfume (not the common stuff) & clothes made to measure.

J - January or February
February, cos it's birthday month for moi & Hubs.

K - Kids
One - Spadge, almost 26yrs old. He was the one success after several losses & conception was aided by the fertility drug Clomid. He is his fathers clone and the unquestionable love of my life. Was nicknamed Spadge within hours of his birth, but is now only used by a couple of family members. Is now happily married to Shans, father to the incredible Chikkin & is currently a brilliant rugby coach at a private school in Dublin. Has the bloody knack of pissing on my battery & twisting me around his little finger with the greatest of ease. *sigh* I currently like to blame him for the pregnancy weight gain (27kg) which gave me a premature middle-aged spread. I know I could've done a bit more to shed the spread, but he was a 10lb baby.............that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it, even if it's 27yrs later.

L - Life
.................It's such an incredible journey, with a whole heap of bus stops along the way. I try to make light of many situations, as laughter really can work wonders.

M - Marriage date.
18th December 1876

N- Number of Siblings.
One - my big brother 'Charlie'. There's an 18mth gap between us, but we've only had sporadic contact since the late 70's, due to way too many things to mention.

O - Oranges or Apples
Both...........naval oranges from the Rustenburg area in SA are particularly juicy & sweet. I like apples, but biting into one is a near impossibility for me, as my dentures clamp onto the apple for dear life & have to be prized off with my fingers. Consequently, if I eat an apple, I have a sharp knife at hand, to chop the bugger into bite size pieces. Needless to say, I don't eat apples in public.

P - Phobias, Fears.
Am pretty scared of snakes, but no other critters that I can think of. I fear the loss of direct family members - it's a thing that really does your head in & takes ages to recover from.

Q - Favourite Quote
F*ck 'Em All Except Us (the family motto)

R - Reason to Smile
In no particular order.............Grandma farting (so funny!)/watching Spadge, Shans & Chikkin on MSN/new photos of Chikkin/Pup's sick jokes/new flowers on my bougainvillea or oleanders/a partner in life who would move the world if I asked him to/a coupla bucks to spare in the bank account/Chikkin/the smiles I get from the veggies at the rehab centre/more photos of Chikkin...........to name but a few.

S - Season
Spring..............I have fond memories of Springtime in the UK as a kid - new buds on trees, daffodils, bluebells & crocuses. It's like Mother Nature took a long doss in Winter & then decided to wake up with a smile. South African springtime tends to be very quick - one week the trees are bare & the following week they're covered in leaves.

T - Tag Three People

kaya, M and J Adventures - nzm, and newcomer to blogging - Cest la Vie - Elle

. Postponements on the task will be accepted in return for suitably large deposits into my bank account!

U - Unknown Fact About Me
There are one or two people - that have the misfortune to still be sucking in oxygen - that I would quite easily inflict a nasty injury on & not feel an iota of guilt about doing so.


W - Worst Habit
Ummm.....probably swearing, plus smoking, which is no doubt an addiction, but one I'm happy to live with. I also tend to be gullible & believe what people tell me, but am able to detect a bullshitter pretty quickly.


Y - Your Favourite Foods
Prawns, Bovril, cheese, cashew nuts, salad, full fat yogurt, Bournville dark chocolate.........not all at the same time though.

Z - Zodiac
Aquarius but I don't have any kind of belief in it/them.

* + ** Not included in the list.

P.S. Kees, I'll get around to doing your job tag thingy in the near future :-)

Posted by Jayne :: 08:59 :: 13 Had Somminc To Say

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