My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Hmmmmm...........another visa, another passport stamp, another country - all of which culminated in an extremely numb arse. Was it worth it? 600km (each way) riding pillion? Worth it? Without a doubt: Yes!

Hubs, myself & a heap of guys from the Abu Dhabi H.O.G Chapter hit the road early Wednesday morning, for the 8th Middle East H.O.G Rally in Muscat, Oman. The last time I went on a bike rally, was well.............hundreds of years ago & in another lifetime. I'm s'posed to be all growed up now y'know, being a grandma & all, but that doesn't mean I can't feel like a young 'un again right? (Yeah right, tell that to my aching muscles & arthritic knees after gawd knows how many hours riding pillion!)

We all arrived in Muscat without incident, despite the f*ckwit car drivers in both the UAE & Oman, who simply HAD to cut across 3 lanes of traffic & through our 20 bike convoy, to get to an exit that they KNEW they had to take at least 500m back. What would the Middle East be like without it's idiotic drivers I wonder?* All I can say is that someone, somewhere was watching over us, as we made the trip to & from Muscat without anyone coming a cropper!

We checked into a prebooked hotel, which was recommended to us (as a group) by someone who had a vivid imagination. The room assigned to Hubs & I was nothing short of mingy - there was some really dodgy electrical wiring, the bed was distinctly grubby (yuk) & the bathroom offered several missing ceiling tiles but no hot water - amongst other things. Hubs bitched so much we were moved to a 2 bedroom 'suite' at no extra charge.
For future reference, I'd rather stay in a pikey camp than pay $165 per night in the Beach Hotel, Muscat. We weren't gonna let a shite hotel dampen our spirits though - we were there to ride, to compete, to meet a whole heap of other bikers, to check out the city of Muscat & to ENJOY!!!

There were Harleys wherever we looked - standard Harleys, customised Harleys, personalised Harleys & the odd silly Harley, but each & every one of them was special in its own way. HOG members came in from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar & Bahrain, plus members from all over Oman, the host country.

Road trip into the mountains - taking in amazing scenery & stop for liquid refreshments.

There were some pretty good paint jobs on display.

Just to wrap up on the pics, here are some of the bikes I really thought were special, each in it's own way:

Overall, I honestly don't think we could have wished for a better 4 day rally. The weather was superb, the locals made us all welcome & the rally organisers did a brilliant job. There's rumour that next years' rally will be in Fujairah. Wherever it is, we're already looking forward to going!

*We heard that one of the Saudi HOG members landed up in hospital on his way home, courtesy of a f*ckwit car driver who decided he needed to do a U-turn, without looking.

Posted by Jayne :: 05:49 :: 10 Had Somminc To Say

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