My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Monday, September 18, 2006


There is a word, pleasant sounding word even & it's called 'consideration'. There are way too many people here in the Middle East who know not of this word.
I know & I understand, that I am a guest living in this country. I have adapted to the way of life very well I think, having previously lived in the Magic Kingdom.

I was brought up in a reasonably strict household. I was taught manners from an early age. I was punished if I was naughty or 'made' trouble. It was - I like to think - a normal upbringing.

Living here has shown me that normal behaviour, particularly where children are concerned, involves much screaming, whining, snot 'n tears, shouting & in some instances, physical abuse (by the child) to the childs parent or guardian.

I live in a very nice apartment block - nice marble finishes, good facilities, security & cleaning or maintenance staff. There are only 4 apartments per floor in this building. To the best of my knowledge, each is three bedroomed & is more than 250sq.m in size. The walls are thick & it is extremely rare to hear anything from a neighbouring apartment.

Having said that, you can hear a moth fart in the lobby & hall area, which leads to each of the front doors. It's an 'empty' space & any noise echoes. I can hear the lift 'ping' when it stops at this floor & trust me, my hearing isn't brilliant.
So what I want to know is, why do 2 of the neighbouring apartments on this floor allow their adolescent monsters to create absolute fucking havoc with either bicycles or worse still, pushing one another around in a battered shopping trolley? It is ear splitting...............the noise these kids have made would make a jumbo jet engine on take off sound pitiful.
Initially, I was polite - I went & asked the children to please try to keep the noise down. They did, for about 20 nano seconds after I'd returned to the apartment & then it'd just start all over again.

The little fuckers have started school again now, so we're back to the old routine of screaming/wailing/screeching/crying/shouting every afternoon....................UNTIL..................dun dun dun............Hubs got so pissed off recently that he threatened to call the police & then went to the next door neighbour to give her a right bollocking. He got a very sheepish "sorry, sorry" from the mother of one lot of monsters, to which he retorted "don't be bloody sorry - just tell the kids to either be QUIET or keep them in your own apartment! Please, have some consideration for the other tenants!"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..............peace ruled once more.

It was short-lived.

We were awoken rather unceremoniously in the early hours a few days ago. It was 1.15a.m. & someone was HAMMERING in the apartment above us. Bang, bang, bang fucking bang...........the noise went on until I was gatvol. I pulled on a kaftan & went down to security to complain. I'm not a pretty picture at 1.30 in the morning, trust me.........so I think the security guard was literally taken off guard when I stepped out of the lift & asked him to please find out what the noise was from the apartment above us.

"They fixing internal door" he says.
"At 1.30 in the fucking morning?" I screech! At this moment in time, I do not care if he is offended by my bad language, because I am bloody offended at being woken up by some inconsiderate twat, who has no consideration for anyone else!
The security guard phoned the evil-doer (he KNEW who it was!) & in some garbled lingo, probably requested them to keep the noise down.

I returned to my perch, Hubs joined me & grandma returned to her pit again. Muffled hammering followed for about another 15 minutes & then all was quiet.

Yesterday afternoon, the monsters returned from school. They were no doubt fed & watered & then sent out to create their extremely noisy hell-play in the hall/lobby area.
I was, I like to think, patient. I waited for almost half an hour, for them to quieten things down. They didn't & my patience wore very thin. Grandma was trying to rest & she could hear the monsters from her room. I opened the front door & once more, requested "Please be quiet". I have ALWAYS said/asked/requested PLEASE. No matter what, I try to be polite.

Five minutes pass.

The screaming starts again & I've now had it with these little bastards!

I opened the front door & positively screamed:

"SHUT THE FUCK UP........................PLEASE!"



No more Mrs Nice Neighbour. You wanna play dirty you little gits, then you come to the right place.

All I want is a little bit of C O N S I D E R A T I O N.
Is it really SO much to ask for?

Posted by Jayne :: 11:20 :: 21 Had Somminc To Say

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