My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I was tempted to commit a crime today, but I didn't! I chose to walk 3 blocks in order to do a spot of banking. Not only is it good exercise, but it was also the perfect opportunity to suss out every supermarket along my route, to see if there were any eggs in stock.

We have an egg shortage in the UAE. I don't use eggs too often, but I do like to have 6 or 12 of 'em in stock, for those occasions when I can't be arsed to cook somminc & will just knock up scrambled chukkylegs instead. The shortage - so the rumour goes - is the fault of the Magic Kingdom apparently. Despite the odd & very brief official news propaganda re. the outbreak of the dreaded bird flu, it (apparently) appears such statements are a crock of shit. Officially, Saudi has only slaughtered a few tens of thousand infected chickens. Unofficially of course, the Magic Kingdom has a major epidemic of bird flu on its hands & as a result, eggs are more scarce than diamonds in a tramps pocket. Think about it for a moment.................if the Magic Kingdom is such a major supplier to the UAE & it doesn't have a problem with bird flu, why is there a drastic shortage?

So I trawled the supermarkets in search for the elusive little buggers & thought I'd struck lucky when I saw a FHW with TWO TRAYS of them in his trolley, in a nearby supermarket. I'd been up & down the aisles & not seen any eggs, so naturally I asked where he'd 'found' them.

"There are no more" states the Wobbler.

The temptation to deck him-one-shot (as we say), swipe just one tray & pay for them as fast as possible nearly got the better of me. I think another customer saw the evil glint in my eye, as she also asked him where he got the eggs from. (For such a dainty little Filipina, she'd got a menacing tone to her voice!) I reckon he must have felt an imminent sense of danger, as he made his way to the cashier so fast he broke out in a sweat. I know, cos I was hot on his heels!

I informed the LGHOL of my unsuccessful chukkyleg hunt when I returned home & forever the optimist, she said "Oh well, we don't use that many." A couple of hours later, she decided to have her little afternoon walkabout. Bugger me if she didn't come back with a dozen eggs, carried by an assistant from our friendly little 'corner shop'! One pitiful request from a little old grandma & she comes home loaded!

(She can be hired out for shopping needs at a very expensive rate..............excluding fags & brandy!)

Posted by Jayne :: 09:49 :: 7 Had Somminc To Say

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