My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I know I've got a warped sense of humour.............can you just imagine this minesweeper making a run for it after bursting the bag? :-))

So tell me................would you ring this doorbell?

The caption says it all!

Diving Instruction No. 1 : DO NOT FART IN WETSUIT!

As if an alligator is gonna be interested in you saying "Oooooh yeah baby"?

Posted by Jayne :: 17:58 :: 5 Had Somminc To Say

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