My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Friday, September 10, 2010


The good news is I'm gradually getting the use of my right hand back - yay! It's still got a nice chunky lump on the knuckles, but thankfully it's not paining half as much as what it was.

The best news is that as of tomorrow we're outta Schleppalale* for a couple of weeks. The bags are packed & ready to load into T2:

One Tour pack liner bag & the 2 pannier bags for an ElectraGlide UltraClassic which we'll collect in Berlin
In these bags I've had to pack enough jeans, T-shirts, socks & rods for a trip around Europe. It hasn't been easy, but I'm taking an extra bag to strap onto the tour pack, so's we can buy T-shirts from the various HD dealers we might happen to stop by :-)

So my fellow infidels/peasants/bitches or strangers who stumble across my blawg, getcha knives out in preparation for aiming them at my back, 'cos Hubs & myself are off to Berlin, Germany, where we'll pick up the rental 'Glide & hook up with Mikey, Mahmoud & TLT from the Sandpit.

After a night in Berlin, we head for Prague.

Then Bratislava.

Then Budapest.

Then Zagreb.

Then Saltzburg.

Then Innsbruk.

Then Nuremberg.

And finally.....................

Back to Berlin for a couple of days.

Am I excited?
You wouldn't chuckle!

I'll bore y'all with details (sordid if necessary) of the tour & a whole heap of photos when we get back.

Until then, be good, do it quietly & take the knives out please, cos I bleed easily!


Posted by Jayne :: 10:11 :: 14 Had Somminc To Say

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