My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


My big boy was recently named as the Forwards Coach for Leinster Colleges. This adds to his job as Senior Coach for Greystones RFC (plus daytime job as rugby coach for a naff private school in Dublin).

If you get to read this son, know that me & dad are so very proud of you. Well done on your achievement {{{{{biiiiig hug}}}}} plus {{{{{biiiig hugs}}}}} for Shans & Chikkin for their love & support.

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Posted by Jayne :: 17:21 :: 8 Had Somminc To Say

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Friday, January 22, 2010


Before Dubs & Pup took the gap back to that horrible part of a little grey island they so fondly call home (England), Pup kindly sifted through some old photos to give me.

On some stretch of pebbles dahn Sowf somewhere - probably Brighton - circa 1961

Taken at one of those 'happy family holiday camps' gawd knows where - circa 1959

It's a real bugger my hair didn't stay blonde................I could've saved a bloody fortune at various hairdressers. *sigh* Oh well, at least I've got hair - Gary lost his years ago :-)

Posted by Jayne :: 13:12 :: 10 Had Somminc To Say

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Friday, January 08, 2010


Hubs & I had a 3 day stopover in London(innit) & did the touristy things we'd planned. When we left the Last Khaki Outpost, the temperature was well into the 30's. When we reached London, it was 2degrees & bloody freezing! Thanks to being well rested from a good sleep on the plane (Virgin's Upper Class was well worth the money) we checked into our hotel, offloaded the luggage & then hit the streets!
We had a good look around the Tate art gallery & the National, bought a heap of T-Shirts from Warrs (the Harley dealership) & knackered ourselves out by walking around the Natural History Museum. We walked miles in the freezing weather, taking in Trafalgar Square, Oxford Street (bleedin' shoppers are so annoying!), Regent Street & a lovely morning spent walking around Covent Garden. Three days was enough for us though & we were eager to get to Dublin to see the family.

Chikkin is definitely her grandads girl! Spadge & Shanna are doing such a brilliant 'job' of parenting with Lilly - she's a smart, polite, funny & caring little girl & we're so very proud of her.

On Crimble morning, the Plan of Attack was for Chikkin to open a few presents, have a hearty breakfast, head for the local church for the Crimble Day Service & then hit the beach, before returning home to finish opening a big heap of presents & then cook up a feast! (Sorry, the pics are not in order, but you'll get the gist of it I reckon! Chikkin wanted to take her shoes off on the beach & then moaned like hell 'cos her feet got cold & wet!)

Chikkin's passion is drawing - give her a book or sheet of blank paper & a box of crayons & she'll stay occupied for hours.

Shortly before we left, we managed to get tickets to take Chikkin to see Jack & The Beanstalk Pantomime. She looked so cute! We weren't sure what to expect with the panto, but I can honestly say we all had a wonderful time. It was a great production & Chikkin thoroughly enjoyed herself, joining in with all the audience cries of "oh no you don't!" & booing at the 'baddy'.

Sadly, all good things have to come to an end & saying goodbye to your family is never easy. Spadge & Shans gave us a real Crimble to remember & we can't thank them enough. Spending Crimble with Chikkin was simply awesome :-)

Posted by Jayne :: 09:46 :: 9 Had Somminc To Say

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On Crimble Day, 'tis apparently tradition for local inhabitants of the town in which my son lives*, to remove their clothing & take an albeit brisk dunk in the sea.
I thought Spadge just wanted to nut down to the beach, y'know, to check out what lunatics would be participating in this madness. Next thing I know, his threads were off, his swimming rods were on & he plunged into the water!
A local chap I spoke to told me that for the first time in his memory, the beach was frozen solid earlier that morning. Gawd almighty, I was frozen just watching!
A race is held annually & a token award given to the first one who hits the wet stuff. All good fun I must admit, but I seriously think these okes are bloody mad!

*near Dublin

Posted by Jayne :: 09:20 :: 8 Had Somminc To Say

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