My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Saturday, May 26, 2018


I came to a gob-smacking reality check recently & diagnosed myself to be an out & out masochist. I had my 2nd & final, (thank gawd) sitting to finish my half-sleeve (tattoo) done & the lovely lady who does piercing pitched up, so in the spirit of living up to the Growing Old Disgracefully state of mind, decided to have my nose pierced.
(Whilst I was getting inked, a customer came in to have her nose pierced & I never heard so much as a squeak, so I just assumed it was pretty painless.)
Holy mother of all things small & furry, I nearly fucking died! The tears ran down my face & the snot from my nose & I thought it would never fucking end! The lovely young lady, who performed what felt like rhinoplasty by a witchdoctor, assured me it wasn't "so bad" & would be over in a matter of seconds. 

She fucking LIED!!!!
Jaysus, there's me thinking (stupidly) that aforementioned lovely lady, would have a small gadget that she inserted into the chosen nostril & then - quick as a flash - would press a trigger & hey presto, a hole would be punctured. 

I should have backed out when she held up a sealed, sterile needle, about 2" long.
I quipped, "What, you got a hammer to knock it through?" and she laughed.  

I’m blonde right? I sometime think my IQ is around the same size as my favourite boots. How could I be so stupid? 
I fear her laugh will haunt me in future bad dreams.
I then learnt there was no hammer. She would just be using brute fucking force! She could only have weighed 40kg dripping wet, so her brute fucking force was like that of a kitten. Once punctured, it took a fucking eternity to push through what looked like a fucking corkscrew with a stud on the end! After I dried my tears of pain (I'm really getting to be a wuss in my old age!) & wiped away my snot, I laughed with the now- not-so-lovely-piercing-lady, whilst thinking I must have a massive bat in the cave*. It took a while to get used to this very strange feeling. Nursing my watering eyes & snotty nose, I removed myself from one torture chamber to the other & the tattooist continued to ply his art for another hour or so.

That night, I was awakened by the pain of a sore shoulder & being (slightly) drugged up, wondered why I'd got a massive bogey up my nose still..........

The days passed & my nose felt fine, but after repeatedly being told to "stop picking your nose" by all & sundry, I saw that the stud was actually sinking into the piercing. This meant I had to keep pushing it out, from the inside of my nostril, which led to a steady chorus of "stop picking your nose!" After 6 days, I phoned the piercing lady & asked if she could please change the stud for a ring. No worries she said, pop by my spot & I'll change it for you.

I told myself the process really couldn't be too painful, cos the piercing had already been done. The old adage of 'Once Bitten Twice Shy' sort of niggled at the back of my sludge, but I honestly didn't think it would hurt.

I thought wrong!

Getting the corkscrew stud out merely brought tears to my eyes, but the pain was bearable.
Inserting the ring involved a bit of delicate manoeuvring, but no tears were shed.
Closing the ring with a pair of pliers................well what can I say? Picture the brute strength of an Olympic weightlifter squeezing my right nostril - instead of the fucking nose ring, which had slipped out of the pliers grasp - and you'll get an idea of what it felt like! Despite being seated, my legs felt very weak & I tried not to hyperventilate. I couldn’t help wondering if there was a training manual for inflicting heart stopping pain on unsuspecting clients. I hasten to admit the (now regarded) sadistic beeyatch brandishing pliers couldn't stop blubbering her apologies & I couldn't help thinking that I seriously need psychiatric help for wanting to do this to myself. And the saddest thing about the whole procedure is that I had to live through it again, a few minutes later..............after I'd stopped trembling & gained a bit of composure! The first attempt at closing the ring didn't quite work, because my right nostril got in the way. The second attempt yielded the same result. (By which time, I felt like my nose must surely be the size of my arse cheek!)
I am pleased to say that the third & final attempt at securing the closure of the aforementioned nose ring - with the also aforementioned fucking pliers - succeeded & I had a brief moment of thinking I had finally found God. (The moment passed very quickly!)
I made a declaration, along the lines of "the fucking thing is in & there's no ways it's coming out!

A few weeks later, having regained my composure, I ended up making an appointment with another tattoo artist & body piercer in town. I wasn’t getting more ink, but my nostril kept going septic & I couldn’t move the ring. It turned out this was because it hadn’t been closed properly (fucking pliers!) & as a result, was growing into the skin. My arse puckered up in cringe-worthy terror when I saw the bloke brandishing a small pair of pliers! The offending ring was cut into in 2 pieces & removed. My nostril was re-pierced & a new stud was inserted. 

It took a nano second & was painless.
I could’ve kissed the bloke!

Nowadays, I’m sporting a beautiful, decorative gold nose ring, sent to me by my ‘soul sister’ in Canada.
I put it in myself, without hassle.
No tears were shed in the process & no pliers were in sight.

I didn’t utter a single swear word.

Which even surprised me.

* Bogey up my nose

Posted by Jayne :: 13:32 :: 0 Had Somminc To Say

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