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Template By Caz . : email: spadgesmum at gmail dot com . |
Tuesday, December 15, 2009'TIS THAT TIME OF YEAR (AGAIN)![]() 'Tis the time of year when Crimble in Sunny South Africa is just that - sunny. As much as Hubs & myself enjoy the warm weather, we will willingly ditch it in order to spend Crimble with Spadge, Shans & Chikkin in Dublin, Ireland. Last year, we got to see Chikkin open her presents via webcam, which was a treat in itself, but this year, we get to do it for real! I cannot wait to see the look on our grand-daughters face as she opens her gifts.........................altho' admittedly, at time of writing, we have no idea what Father Crimble will be dropping off her way! Hubs & I are having a few days in London, to do touristy things. For years, I've wanted to have a look around some of the art galleries & this year, we have the opportunity to do just that. I loathe England with a passion, but I will admit London is a great place at this time of year. Methinks I won't be missing much in the Last Khaki Outpost. A recently installed new set of robots has gone on the blink, so I guess the Crimble lights in various dubious establishments will have to suffice! To one & all who read my drivel, I wish you all a fabulous (dahhhling) Crimble & New Year. I thank you for taking the time to stop by & comment - I really do appreciate it. May your god go with you. See y'all next year! p.s. Some 3 decades & a bit ago, I fought off a redheaded bird (read skank) who had cast her flirtatious eyes on this sexy blond bloke that I had my (baby-blue) eyes on. I won the battle & that sexy blond bloke took me not only down the aisle, but to some incredibly amazing places on this planet over the years. On the 18th, Hubs & I will celebrate 33yrs of marriage..........awww. My love for my partner-in-life is impossible to explain. He is everything to me & more. Happy Anniversary Bob(even if it's a coupla days early) - ILYSVMEOS *mwah* ![]() ![]() Friday, December 11, 2009CRIMBLE PUD![]() How to make Tequila Christmas Cake! 1 cup water 1 tsp. Baking soda 1 cup sugar 1 tsp. Salt 1 cup of brown sugar Lemon juice 4 large eggs Nuts 1 bottle tequila 2 cups dried fruit Sample the tequila to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the tequila again. To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point its best a make sure the tequila is still OK. Try another cup...just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the fruit up off the floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the tequila to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Check the tequila. Now shift the lemon juice and strain the nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or some fink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the tequila and wipe counter with the cat. CHERRY MISTMAS! ![]() ![]() Tuesday, December 08, 2009OH WATER, WHERE ART THOU?![]() Don'tcha just love it when the washing machine is half-way through its cycle & all of a sudden you see a flashing light? Mine did that yesterday - I had a pretty orange light flashing at me, kinda beckoning me to mosey on over to see why it was winking so cheekily.Over I moseyed & checked everything out - I switched the machine on & off & got the same flashing light again. Thoughts along the lines of "this is fuckin' blinding, first the ping & now the poxy washing machine has gone on the blink" whizzed across my sludge. Sod it, I'll make a cuppee tea, cos that always helps with problem solving. Go to fill the kettle. No water comes out of the tap. BOLLOCKS!!! (But at least I realised the washing machine hadn't gone on the blink, yay!) The water was off for over 5hrs. No notification or warnings of 'Kindly fill a bucket/20ltr water bottle/bathtub as your water supply will be disconnected' by the municipality. Gawd forbid, that'd fall under the 'We Care For Our Consumers' department & we all know our local municipalities currently have several vacancies for such a position. The water supply eventually spluttered back to life some 5hrs later. My washing machine finished its cycle & all in The Why household were happy. Mikey got up during the night, to get a drink of water. The taps were dry. Again. When I got up at the sparrows fart this morning (5.40am eeeeek!) there was water once more. As I write/type now, sed water has been missing in action, once again for several hours. I phoned the municipality to enquire what the problem was. I was given a cell phone number of the 'emergency' engineer. I rang the number & my conversation went something like this: Me (upon the call being answered): Hello? Emeregency Engineer: Ey......hello? Me: Helllllo? EE: Ey.....hello? (Thinks fukkit to herself & goes for the kill) Me: I'm staying just off **** street - can you tell me please why there is no water? EE: Eh.........eh..........(mumble mumble in one of the other 9 official languages)(I say 9, not 10, because he didn't mumble in Afrikaans)(for the unenlightened, we have 11 official languages in the Rainbow Nation) Me: Can you speak English? EE: eee.....yes. Me: Oh good. Can you tell me please why we have no water in ****** complex? EE: *yawn* I was there last night - there is a cracked pipe - but now I'm sleeping......*yawn*.........mumble mumble............sewer pipe...........mumble mumble. Me: Thank you & I'm sorry I woke you up. Click. Eishkom will soon be starting the rolling blackouts, because they're broke, because they sell South Africa's electricity to neighbouring countries at a loss. Municipalities are falling apart at the seams, mainly because employees got their jobs on the basis of being the 2nd cousin of their fathers half brother who swept the floor in the museum at Robben Island & now goes by the name Comrade Wotever. I'm trying very hard to remain positive about my country, but bugger, it's an uphill slog. If things carry on this way into the middle of next year, this Rainbow Nashun will be the laughing stock of the world. Labels: Eishkom, Lephalale Municipality, not a drop of water to be had. ![]() ![]() Friday, December 04, 2009HERE, THERE, EVERYWHEREMikey, our good friend & 'Awesome Eight(er)' from Abu Dhabi is currently here for a visit. He brought with heaps of spices, specific sweets, 6 Vanilla scented candles (unobtainable here & always on the go in my spot in the Sandpit), HD Chrome Cleaner & various other things that I'd asked for in an email. Sincere thanks must go to him & muchly missed friend Kaya, who got much of the shopping for Mikey. (Since buggering around with templates etc. a coupla weeks back, I dunno how to do the link thingy to names & blogs, so forgive me, I am but a Dumb Blonde. I also dunno how to justify the text anymore & it's irritating the crap outa me!) ![]() Mikey hired the new 2010 ElectraGlide Ultra Limited for the duration of his stay here. It's a fabulous (dahhling) bike - so fabulous that we've ordered one. The saga of the order of my TriGlide has now become complicated & no one actually knows when the trike will arrive or even IF it will arrive. I've moaned at the HD dealer & he in turn has moaned to HD USA. It really pisses on my battery that HD USA treats dealerships outside of the USA like poor cousins. There are a shitload of customers within the Middle East & Africa who're waiting for specific bikes, but HD USA can only see fit to send what they THINK people want. In my opinion, they need a serious bloody wake up call. Anyway, to cut a long story short, we've ordered a 'Limited' as well as keeping the original order for the TriGlide. I'll accept whatever gets here first, but if it's the 'Limited' I will go back to being a pillion passenger. (*heart-wrenching sobs*) So, whilst in the area, Mikey has been riding around, checking out the local scenery. He took this photo a coupla days back. Hubs & I knew the sign was somewhere nearby, but have never seen it........Mikey's here for 48hrs & finds the bloody thing! ![]() Oh well, at least I've got my own 'evidence'! This was taken a coupla weeks back, when we escaped to the Kruger National Park for a long weekend. ![]() This afternoon, we're gapping it through to a private game reserve in the Tuli Block in Botswana, for the weekend. I shall hopefully give y'all a 'report back' on what we did/didn't see :-) Be good while I'm away. Labels: Harley Davidson, Mikey does the Last Khaki Outpost, Tropic of Capricorn ![]() ![]()