My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



The inspiration to write a witty post for my blog has done a runner. It's the fun & excitement of living in Ellisras - it's too much to cope with sometimes..............she says, reaching for the razor blade..........................

So Hubs & I have decided to get away for a long weekend, to one of our favourite places - the Kruger National Park.

No TV. No computers. No radio. No phones. Nothing more than a couple of good books & a few edible treats.

Just bush...............................heaps of it, containing heaps of aminals. Rest, relaxation, early morning drives & catching 40 winks in the afternoon. What a pleasure!

Be good while I'm away, but if you can't be good, at least be careful :-)

Toodle-pip chaps!

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Posted by Jayne :: 11:10 :: 13 Had Somminc To Say

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009


After another quick recce of the throbbing metropolis(not) of The Last Khaki Outpost - a.k.a. Lephalale & formerly known as Ellisras (is it me or is this place really succumbing to an identity crisis?) I discovered something REALLY newsworthy & a reason for much excitement....................
O R Tambo (a.k.a O R Tampon) Road - which is the main road through The Outpost - is getting ANOTHER set of robots*! Two sets of robots on one main road - I've come over all faint - it's just sooooo exciting. (she says, clutching the razor blade)
Now townsfolk will have something to do on a Sunday afternoon...........they can sit & watch the robots change!
Others might be out riding Harleys :-)
*Robots - Saffie slang for traffic lights.


Posted by Jayne :: 17:51 :: 11 Had Somminc To Say

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Friday, October 16, 2009


Joburg restaurant platter.

Durban restaurant platter.

Ellisras restaurant platter.

'Nuff sed.


Posted by Jayne :: 11:12 :: 14 Had Somminc To Say

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Friday, October 09, 2009


Overheard outside satellite shops of a local supermarket - a heavily accented (white) man on the brink of mild panic talking into his cell phone:

"Ja, I just don't know what's got into them......................I mean I think there's going to be a bleddy riot in the squatter camps...................ja, ja, but I don't even know what they want. I can just see a riot............."

Well, I wonder what that was all about? Could it be that we have a 'natives are restless scenario'? Could it be that the air of arrogance by one group of people has been shoved just a little bit too far down another groups collective throats?

'Nuff sed.

Posted by Jayne :: 12:04 :: 6 Had Somminc To Say

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

IF IT WASN'T FOR THE BLUE...................

Today has - so far - been one of those days when I've wondered if the gawds aren't conspiring to piss on my battery until it just short circuits & fizzles out in a heap. Yesterday, I did all the housework, including washing & ironing, as I wanted today nice & clear, to do a bit of retail therapy. Over the past few days I've been jotting down all the things I need - things ranging from plants & flowerpots to iced tea & streaky bacon. After a quick tidy up this morning, I had a shower & got dressed. Now, last week, I bought myself a blue blouse - nothing exciting about that really, although I must admit I was surprised to find clothing in my size in the Last Outpost, which wasn't khaki in colour *coff*. So this morning, I decided to wear my new blue blouse. I haven't worn this particular colour for I don't know how many years, although I do have a Harley T-shirt in a similar shade, but that's different innit! I put the smashed picture frames in the car, in order to get the glass replaced, armed myself with my shopping list & my freebie Gulf News eco-friendly shopping bags. (They don't arf come in handy!)
My first port of call was the bank, to collect a cheque book & credit card. The cheque book was ready, but no sign of the credit card. I've been waiting a month now & I think the nice lady at the bank is as pissed off as me. *sigh* The main road through the Last Khaki Outpost is receiving treatment of some kind. This involves a heap of labourers standing around picking their noses & flicking the snollies away as they direct the traffic. I couldn't actually see why there was a diversion, but there was & I didn't complain, as it took me to right next to the nursery. I know what I want & the nursery didn't have it. They had infinite amounts of big green leafy things, but no pyrostegia venusta or petunia seedlings. The choice of flowerpots was pathetic, so I was doubly disappointed. **double sigh**
Next stop on my list of things to do was go to the post box & collect mail.........which involved disposing of numerous bills/accounts of 3 previous tenants. Not my problem. Next up was buying a lamp for the living room, plus a bedside lamp for the guest bedroom. I couldn't get what I wanted, so I ended up settling for the next best thing. *next sigh* OK, onto the next item - take broken pictures/frames to shop nearby that advertises 'Picture Framing Done Here'. I get there & it's a FastFoto shop. What they knew about framing was dangerous. Fuck it! Now I'm getting seriously pissed off I can tell you! I headed off into the Pick 'n Pay supermarket to do a spot of grocery shopping. The useless fuckin' shop was only just starting to re-stock shelves & fridges from the weekend & much of what I wanted was still lurking in storerooms. Bollocks!

By the time I got out of the supermarket, I was well pissed off & had simply had enough. I came home, had a bottle of 'Cranberry & Apple Sparkling Flavoured Kwench', sucked my dentures back in & thought buggrit, I ain't going out again. Knowing my luck I'd get a friggin puncture! And, the icing on the cake: whilst shopping, I never heard my cell phone ring (well, it was in the depths of my handbag!) & I missed 3 calls - one of which was from a good friend in Abu Dhabi. ***sigh so big I've got palpitations***

If wearing a blue blouse means having to put up with so much soddin' grief, the bloody thing is gonna get chucked up the back of the wardrobe!


I am still smiling :-D

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Posted by Jayne :: 13:54 :: 16 Had Somminc To Say

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Friday, October 02, 2009


After many weeks of waiting, arguments with SA Customs Officers & eventually the threat of legal action, we schlepped down to Joburg (yet again) to finally collect Eish! She was dusty from her journey, but had been cared for by the wonderful folk at Heneways Freight Services - Stuart & Graham went beyond the call of duty in making sure Hubs' precious cargo was kept safe & sound.
After dismantling the crate & reassembling the handlebars, Hubs put a coupla litres of juice in & cranked her up...............oh Sweet Jaysus, is there any other sound more exciting than the roar of baffle-free pipes on a Harley? Hubs was like a junkie getting a fix after a failed stint in rehab!

During my time in the Sandpit I avoided driving whenever possible. I have the co-ordination skills of a retard & me & a left hand drive car were definitely not the best of friends............................there was the added hassle of complete & utter fuckwits who couldn't give a shit if they caused an accident - so like I said, I avoided driving. Since our return to SA, Hubs has done all the driving, cos it's a man thing innit? But then we collected Eish! & yours truly had to drive from one side of Joburg to the other & then on to Pretoria & the highway/road home to the throbbing metropolis (not!) of Ellisras. I haven't driven that kinda distance (by myself) for many a year & I admit I was a tad nervous. I let Hubs set the pace & we were fine until we got on the N1, when it started to rain. I was fine (thank you very much) in the Beemer, but Hubs really battled. It was a bitterly cold rain & we had to stop numerous times so's Hubs could thaw out & get the feeling back in his fingers. Thankfully, we made the trip back without hassle, although it took twice as long as usual & several large dops of Uncle Jack & a hot shower for Hubs to warm up, bless him. My fingers ached from subconsciously gripping the steering wheel too tight & the back of my neck just about siezed up with tension, but once we were home I soon relaxed.

The following day, Hubs was out in the garage, polishing up his baby. I'm normally the one who spends anything up to 4hrs cleaning his bike (I know, I'm mad!) but this time, I didn't even offer. It was a bonding moment for man & beast. I just made sure Hubs replaced the sweat he lost with essential fluids - i.e. cold beer!

Soon, all in our little world will be right. My partner in life is happy to have Eish! at home & I'm patiently awaiting the arrival of my TriGlide.

The days can't go fast enough!

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Posted by Jayne :: 16:41 :: 11 Had Somminc To Say

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