My life has endured some drastic changes over the past 5yrs. I've moved continents, moved countries, lost my partner in life, lost my dogs, lost the bikes & no doubt about it, lost more than a few marbles along the way. I'm fucked up but valiantly fighting off sanity, which snaps at my heels at regular intervals. I swear a lot. Tell someone who cares.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is a Can't Be Arsed post. Instead of woffling on about my woes, I thought I'd use up the space with photo's of my fridge magnets. Thrilling innit?

I left a whole heap at home 4yrs ago, but since then the 'collection' has grown. Hubs main priority, whenever he travels overseas, is to bring me back a magnet. Friends bring me back magnets from their travels & a man I've never met has, over the past 12-18mths, brought me back magnets from far flung places like Libya & Cuba. My sincere thanks go to HMHB
Little things please little minds.
Check the worry in my eyes.
Normal blogging will hopefully resume when my Insanity level reaches an acceptable target.

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Posted by Jayne :: 16:22 :: 10 Had Somminc To Say

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Saturday, May 16, 2009


An Aussie refuse collector is going along a street picking up the wheelie bins and emptying them into his dustcart. He goes to one house where the bin hasn't been left out, so he has a quick look for it, goes round the back of the house, but still can't see it. So, against the rules but in the spirit of kindness, he knocks on the door.

There's no answer.

Being a kindly and conscientious bloke, he knocks again - much harder.

Eventually a Japanese bloke comes to the door. 'Harro!' says the Japanese chappie.

'Gidday, mate! Where's ya bin?' asks the collector.

'I bin on toiret' explains the Japanese bloke, a bit perplexed.

Realising the little foreign fellow had misunderstood him, the bin man smiles and tries again. 'No mate, where's your dust bin?'.

'I dust been to toiret, I toll you!'' says the Japanese man - still perplexed.

'Listen,' says the collector. 'You're misunderstanding me. Where's your wheelie bin?'

wait for it...............................







'Ok. Ok ' replies the Japanese man with a sheepish grin. ' I wheelie bin having sex wirra wife's sistah........!'

Posted by Jayne :: 14:00 :: 13 Had Somminc To Say

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Monday, May 04, 2009


I was absolutely sickened earlier today, when I read of the ordeal of a lion cub. Kept chained to a pole in the garage of a local villa, unable to even reach its water, this poor animal has spent her early life in absolute pain & misery.

"Wildlife officials acting on a tip from a neighbour rescued the cub from the garage of a villa in Khalidiya. The animal’s canine teeth had been crudely sawn off or ground down, exposing nerve endings and leaving it in great pain. Its front claws had also been removed."

"The cub’s captors amateurishly removed all four of its canine teeth." (It is suspected) this was done either with a saw, or by grinding the teeth all the way down to the bone, leaving the nerves exposed. The animal could not have been able to eat properly afterwards.

The full story can be found HERE

When (or should that be IF) this sad bastard is finally prosecuted, the only wrath he'll feel is a pitiful dent in his wallet of a maximum Dh50,000 ($13,615) fine & 6mths in the slammer. I somehow doubt very much that he'll do the time.

I'd like to have ten minutes with the cub's captor, just so's I can rip his fingernails out & give him the taste of an angle grinder in his mouth, to see how he'd get on with all the nerves in his teeth exposed.

I blame him FULLY for the condition of the poor cub..............FULLY, because he's the sick fucker who placed the order with some underground scum to illegally import the animal in the first place. Sure, the smugglers are to blame, as are those who capture such animals in the first place, but HE made the choice & by gawd, I really, really hope he & everyone living in the same villa suffer for their actions.

Awwww diddums, did the cute little pussy cat get too big for the kiddies to play with?

Khalidiya is an up-market suburb in the city of Abu Dhabi

Posted by Jayne :: 16:39 :: 17 Had Somminc To Say

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