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Monday, September 22, 2008THE VERY GOOD TASTE 100![]() ![]() ![]() 1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions. 2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten. 3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating. 4) Optional extra: Post a comment at www.verygoodtaste.co.uk linking to your results. * For the record, stuff that I've eaten will be in green. ** Instead of crossing out items I would never consider eating, I've put my feelings about them in brackets. It's so much more descriptive than a mere line through the word don't you think?) The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred: 1. Venison (eeew, firstly it's meat, plus it's meat that looks at you - no thanks) 2. Nettle tea (no, but I do remember the stings from 1962) 3. Huevos rancheros (kwik wiki ref: nope) 4. Steak tartare (I'd french kiss a skunk before I ate that) 5. Crocodile 6. Black pudding (Congealed pigs blood..........fuck off!) 7. Cheese fondue 8. Carp (many moons ago) 9. Borscht (I prefer likkle baby beets fanks) 10. Baba ghanoush (throat siezes at somminc resembling semi-solid snot) 11. Calamari 12. Pho (nah, I'll stick with Tom Yung) 13. PB&J (peanut butter & jelly) sandwich 14. Aloo gobi 15. Hot dog from a street cart 16. Epoisses (if it smells like week old smelly socks, I don't eat it) 17. Black truffle (never had the opportunity that I remember?) 18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes (my dad's homemade wine - fekkin brutal, especially when I was a kid) 19. Steamed pork buns (streaky bacon & bangers are my limit for pig meat) 20. Pistachio ice cream 21. Heirloom tomatoes (can't say for sure, altho it's possible) 22. Fresh wild berries 23. Foie gras (sod off - visions of lung-butter & snuff mixed to a spreadable consistency) 24. Rice and beans 25. Brawn, or head cheese (Brawn = BARF & visions of 'head cheese' being syphillis related) 26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper (when someone offers to pay for new dentures, I'll try it) . 27. Dulce de leche (no, but I wouldn't mind trying it) . 28. Oysters . 29. Baklava 30. Bagna cauda (anything with anchovies is enuff to make me puke) 31. Wasabi peas (If I need snuff, I'll ask me dad) 32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl (on the 'To Do List' when I go to the USA, when I'm all growed up in a coupla years time) 33. Salted lassi (WTF is this? kwik wiki search......looks like type of vomit, albeit watery, so it's a definite no) 34. Sauerkraut 35. Root beer float (got as far as a root beer sometime in the early 90's & still trying to get rid of the after taste) 36. Cognac with a fat cigar (do I look like Churchill??) 37. Clotted cream tea 38. Vodka jelly/Jell-O (I'll stick to dagga cookies thanks) 39. Gumbo 40. Oxtail (fuck right off!) 41. Curried goat (*shudder* no fuckin goat would get near my taste buds!) 42. Whole insects (not intentionally, but the odd fly might have got in by mistake) 43. Phaal (Hubs - take note!!!) 44. Goat’s milk (white-ish version of brake fluid - disgusting) 45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more (smells like mouldy socks soaked in stagnant water...........nah, not even before 1977 when I stopped drinking) 46. Fugu (Poor Puffa! Never!) 47. Chicken tikka masala 48. Eel (bollocks...........still have nightmares from me dad holding a wriggly fucker up to me circa 1967) 49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut (how sad am I?) 50. Sea urchin (my dentures couldn't handle it) 51. Prickly pear 52. Umeboshi (now I know why the Nips in Kenya were such sour little fuckers) 53. Abalone 54. Paneer (not that I remember, altho 'tis possible) 55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal (half-guilty as I've eaten the chips & bun but not the cardboard they sell as beef) 56. Spaetzle (not that I can remember, but I have slept since then.................) 57. Dirty gin martini (gin yes & martini yes - many moons ago - but the whole thing together, nope) 58. Beer above 8% ABV (leave that to Hubs - his record is 14%. His liver is still clapping from 1998) 59. Poutine (slap chips & gravy I can handle; topped with cheese = 3mth supply of Rennies followed by colonic irrigation) 60. Carob chips (If it ain't choblit, I ain't eating it!) 61. S’mores (why ruin it with bloody crackers???) 62. Sweetbreads (bugger off.........I'd rather suck on a bag of nails) 63. Kaolin (???) 64. Currywurst (altho sausage in curry sauce at a Doncaster chippy in 1978 is a contender in this category) 65. Durian (Not sure.........if this is the same as the 'Custard Apple' I had at Kisumu Municipal Fruit & Veg market in 1999 it was fuckin 'orrible. I'm still trying to get the fur off me teeth.) 66. Frogs’ legs (no soddin' way............poor little paddas!) 67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake (Sounds the same as vetkoek to me?) 68. Haggis (I'd staple my mouth closed before this beastly stuff got anywhere's near me) 69. Fried plantain 70. Chitterlings, or andouillette (the contents of a colostomy bag hold more appeal) 71. Gazpacho (next time I'm in Spain................) 72. Caviar and blini (I'd give it a bash) 73. Louche absinthe (there's cars in Lebanon running on this stuff) 74. Gjetost, or brunost (in no particular hurry to try it) 75. Roadkill (nah, I left it all for the starving masses..............they needed it more than me) 76. Baijiu (close contender to Witblitz and/or drain cleaner. My liver's stuffed enough thanks to malaria) 77. Hostess Fruit Pie (served by Stepford Wives methinks) 78. Snail (I tried one once in 1989. I swear the slippery little bastard is still trying to crawl up my throat) 79. Lapsang souchong 80. Bellini (no appeal) 81. Tom yum (wikkid!) 82. Eggs Benedict (separate ingredients are fine - together, slightly nauseating) 83. Pocky (sounds acne related..........wiki search tells me different: not yet) 84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant. (I won't settle for anything less than 5 star dahhling) 85. Kobe beef (I'd chew on 25 used teabags before I ate that) 86. Hare (not after having to eat rabbit when I was a sprog. I still need therapy) 87. Goulash (feck off............can't abide the sight of the revolting stuff) 88. Flowers (nearly ate a nasturtium once in a salad in Kenya, but managed to avoid it) 89. Horse (no friggin way...........never) 90. Criollo chocolate (???) 91. Spam (yuk, ate it as a sprog) 92. Soft shell crab (crawly little bastards can stay on the beach thanks) 93. Rose harissa (???) 94. Catfish (same as barbel, fuckin 'orrible bottom feeders - fit for baiting other fish & sod all else) 95. Mole poblano (Hubs, find a recipe!!) 96. Bagel and lox 97. Lobster Thermidor 98. Polenta (if it ain't North Sea cod I don't eat it) 99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee (normally administered by I.V.) 100. Snake (Just the thought has sent shivers down my spine & I'll need extra couch time now, thanks to the anticipated sleepless nights.) I'm a bit of a sad wench, considering I've only eaten/drank about 25% of the things on this list. Check the worry in my eyes! So tell me, what is there on the list that floats your boat or makes you want to visit the porcelain bowl? Labels: cockroach clusters, crippled frogs, ideas for enemas, voluntary hunger strike ![]() ![]()