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Saturday, May 10, 2008ATTITUDE![]() Anyone dealing with the many UAE government departments involving residence or visit visa permits will probably relate to this post. Hubs & myself went through to DoBuy a coupla days ago, to cancel grandmas residence visa & get a refund on the Dh5,000 'deposit' we had to pay. Firstly, one has to pay to have a miserable ratbag type out a cancellation form in Arabic. On previous occasions the 'translation typist' has been one of many harrassed Asian male typists. This time we got Bitch No.1. Her attitude was pure arrogance, but despite that, she must've been good at her job, as she could knock out the correct Arabic form from her computer, talk with someone who butted in & discuss with her neighbouring fellow typist how cute the childrens clothes were that he was displaying. She stopped short of spitting the necessary document at us. Next up was trying to get someone to direct us to the correct counter for visa cancellations. "Section 1, counter 17" declared one official uniform clad person. We went to Section 1, counter 17. Bitch 2 at sed counter (which was empty) was deep in conversation with a man, sitting just behind her. She totally ignored us. I waited patiently for a break in her conversation, secretly wishing she'd have to take a breath before turning blue. At a hint of the first intake of air, I said "Excuse me, is this the correct counter for visa cancellation?" The face on Bitch 2 looked at me like I was a real peasant. The black clad arm protruding from her abaya made a 'go away' gesture & she pointed to the opposite side of the hall. It managed to say "over there" & promptly carried on with her conversation which I so rudely interupted. Over there? Over where? Follow the direction of your manicured talon to where exactly? We asked at another counter, in the general direction of Bitch 2's talon. Bitch 3, a Tellytubby-esque thing with lips that didn't move said "Go to the Ladies Section". "For visa cancellation?" I asked. "Yes" Bitch 3 hissed. I stuck my head in the Ladies Section & was greeted by a sea of black shapes & 2 dozen sets of eyes that gave me the collective 'fuck off we're full' glare. Without additional misdirections Hubs & I found the visa cancellation desk by ourselves. It was manned by what looked like a 'roid soaked brute of a man, in greyish camoflage uniform. We explained that we needed to cancel grandmas visa. He looked at the death certificate & said "I'm sorry for that" (meaning he sympathised with us). That small gesture of a few words took away the frustration of the unhelpful attitude of Bitches 1, 2 & 3. This officer processed the cancellation in a matter of 2 minutes & advised us where to go to collect the refund of Dh5,000. He was a pleasure to deal with.
There's been a couple of heated 'discussions' in the comments section of a couple of posts over at UAE Community Blog just recently, between locals & expats. Whilst I've avoided sticking my oar in with a few choice comments, I'd just like to mention that the term 'respect' works wonders between nationalities. If you look down at me in a manner of disdain, because I have the audacity to ask for assistance, then just what exactly are you expecting in return? Bitches 1, 2 & 3 need some serious tutoring in dealing with the public, as befits their job. To smile costs absolutely nothing. Even the veggies at the rehab centre manage that & they only have a fraction of a brain. ![]() ![]()